Imagine running a successful customer service, only to find out someone sued you for false information. Might seem like a ridiculous idea but it has happened to so many companies.
Now imagine, you dodged the bullets by just offering them an insight of the same information via recorded phone call that has every shred of detail needed to prove innocence. This might seem like a story straight out of a Hollywood movie, but it is one of the most common causes of wrong allegations.
BBC reports that COVID is making customer service experiences worse. People are working from home now and companies are looking for people who are fresh so they can cut the operational budget. This brings in a lot of inexperienced people in the market, making the overall customer service market even worse.
To help companies, new employees, supervisors, and customers enjoy an easy and better customer service experience, VoIP companies have included some of the best features that ease communication. These features mainly include easy reporting method, one-click calling, CRM integration, HD calling, fax, video calling, group chat, conference call, and call recording features.
When it comes to the call recording feature, most companies get a little skeptical because they think this will harm their company image. Apart from this, companies handling private information from different customers do not want to end up with some privacy breach on their part. All these things might seem fair, but experts say that call recording is a very important feature, and it is currently helping so many companies to improve their customer services in multiple ways.
To highlight the importance of VoIP call recording, let’s dive into the world of business VoIP communication, its benefits, and why it is going to become a game-changer for your business.
What Is VoIP Call Recording Feature and why do you need it?
When you call a company for help, they start by saying “this call is being recorded and monitored for quality assurance”. This means that customer is given a heads-up so he can ensure that everything is on record. VoIP call recording feature is a reliable yet secure method of keeping a record of a two-way conversation. In most cases this record is kept in the cloud however, you can easily download it or stream it anytime. Previously when call centers were separated from the manufacturing, logistics, and assembling units, customer care centres had very limited information, and these features were only provided to them. However, later when conference meetings and group conversations were shifted to VoIP, companies offered these features to all departments.
Now, small businesses are also looking for these features so they can compete on the same level. Previously companies were using third-party tools for recording calls, group conversations, and more. However, this is a lengthy process that is much experience, and you need a space to record it. Apart from this, you need to start recording before you attend a call which increases the response time. This increase in the response time eventually affects the brand image. In short, if you want to keep a record of all the conversations, you need to use the right tool that can reduce the call handling and response time. This will eventually help the company to cater to more clients in less time and cut the number of resources as well.
Why Call Recording Feature Will Be Ground-Breaking for Small Business?
The call recording feature was previously availed only by bigger companies that wanted to reduce call handling time and ensure quality. However, now small businesses are also availing this feature because they realize the market is more competitive than ever and customers are concerned not only about the customer care but also about the legal matters that they might face in case things go south. In short, it was more than just a way of quality assurance. Some of the main reasons VoIP Small Business UK are availing call recording features include:
- Call recording helps in setting the next blueprint of scripted conversations because companies can monitor how they can close a ticket with a minimum time of call handling.
- Call recording helps in setting an easy training method because it offers an insight into the daily communication that takes place between company representatives and customers. It helps in understanding the major issues that company representatives might be facing because of a lack of information or loopholes in training.
- Call recording helps in record keeping which can eventually help the company face any legal issues in consumer court.
- Every business has a set of protocols and they have designed a way of greeting as well. For a supervisor to ensure that all the protocols are being followed by the customer care representative.
- Companies have a detailed training method that goes on for months to ensure that their representative can handle a conversation. This means that for at least the first few month’s employees stays under the supervision of a senior which impacts the productivity of the senior employee along with the junior resource. To cut the overall training time to a minimum, companies take help from recorded calls and guide the resource according to his weaknesses only. This also helps in customizing an easy training program that addresses the strengths and weaknesses of the employee.
- Sometimes customer care must enter details of the customer experience so follow-up can be easier however, if there is distortion and you are unable to hear it, the customer will have to repeat it. Through call recording, the representative can retrieve the relevant information anytime. This also helps in ensuring the details of a conversation.
Overall, call recording features are now becoming a must-have in all kinds of businesses. It has not only helped in improving business but also make you run a successful business overall. So far, multiple companies have reported that they have benefited from this feature and companies are now making it an in-built feature rather than an add-on.