uSwitch, UK’s well-renown price comparison service has unveiled a list of the download speeds that can be practically achieved in 42 cities and towns and it shows a wide gap between the fastest and the slowest speed.
According to the list that was published by uSwitch, the town of Middlesbrough tops the list with an average of about 34.5 Mbps of internet download speed while Hull has a download speed of only 12.5 Mbps which is surprisingly almost three times slower than the fastest. Majority of the largest cities fall on the lower end of the download speed scale, for instance London and Edinburgh only manage a speed of 22.5 Mbps and 21 Mbps respectively.
Ewan Taylor-Gibson of uSwitch however pointed out that Hull is actually a special case given that it is the only city on the list that doesn’t have BT lines. This also raised the question as to why a lot more cities/towns on the list have such a slow internet speed. The Cities of UK are supposed to be on the front-line of broadband speeds and instead, only 22 of the cities have broadband users that use speeds higher than 24 Mbps.
Taylor-Gibson stated that the latest rollout figures of the Government indicate that high-speed broadband is currently available to more than 90% of businesses and homes in the UK with the figure consistently. Increasing. By 2017, the figure should be at 95% since £1.7 billion has already been pledged for that purpose. But then, the data shows that the take up is not as high as it should be even in the biggest cities. Ewan thus insisted that users of home broadband have to know that it is highly available and the prices also need to be right.
While we’re still on the subject, a report published by the Institute of Customer Service concluded that the UK has the highest rates of customer satisfaction all over Europe in the sectors of telecom and media. But then again, the sector as a whole has the lowest rating of customer satisfaction when compared with the other five sectors that were surveyed.
Jo Causon, the CEO of the Institute of Customer Service pointed out how encouraging it is that the telecom and media sector of the United Kingdom are realizing high approval rates of satisfaction of customers, especially since the very sector is ranked among the lowest all across Europe.
She added that what the data also indicates is that this does not automatically translate into consumer trust placing the responsibility on the companies of UK to review solid means of creating an increased confidence among their customers to establish a long lasting and sustainable sense of loyalty.