Do you manage a small-sized contact centre that has less than 8 agents? Do you like planning your expenditure down to the penny every other month? Do you like knowing exactly the amount that you will spend? We fully understand that for small teams, it is not always sensible to lease a hosted server and pay for calls and support every month.
To help you out, we offer some Inclusive Packages in which you will pay a fixed monthly amount for every agent for calls and then we provide you with all our other services for free. This particular service is offered up to a maximum of eight agents in a contact centre. However, if you happen to have more than eight agents, it makes more sense financially to make payments for every server. The service is payable up front every month and it is offered either on pay as you go or on contract.
Terms and Conditions Apply*
Included Services:
- Call Recording
- Software
- Server Rental
- Number Localization
- Telephone Support